Thursday, October 24, 2013


One of the greatest things about living in New York 
is that you can be with yourself wheneeeeever you want.
You can (always) run and hide and be with ONLY YOU for a while.
I mean sure, you will still be surrounded by thousands of people a day, but thats just physically. 
It is very refreshing to be able to "do you" as much as you could possibly want to. 
Freedom to THINK for a little while. Just you and your brain.
 (I think we spend wayyyy too much time during the day, and our lives, listening to other people's bs and problems that have nothing to do with us...can I get an amen?)
 To add to my current "do-ing me" phenomena, I have the extra advantage of just moving to a new city. Here, I am an outsider for a little while, observing how things work, and still seeing the big details.
  The greatest thing something new has to offer.
 And to be in New York...of all places to explore.
New York is the prime metaphor of America. People act fucking crazy because all Americans are fucking crazy. (I mean we've been the rebels since day one...always doing "our thing") 
 Freedom breeds some crazy.
 Throw in all of the Americans that run away from the backwoods craziness to be their own, personal crazy...and you've got yourself New York. You want crazy? We've got your crazy.
All this being said, New York is the place to explore.

Just wanted a moment to chat. Back to my own world. I'll see you if I want to! New Yorrrrrrkkkkk.


Favorite songs from today's walk. 

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