Saturday, September 27, 2014

Last Weekend of Summer with the Baes

This week's word of the weekend was FRIENDS. Everybody say it now- friends! 
Because I love them so.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


My talented friend Rhyan presented a beautiful performance to her friends at Brooklyn's Colony Studios this past spring. It was truly fabulous. 
It was a stunning performance. 
Check out more of Rhyan's work and upcoming projects at Rhyan Hamilton 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ella in White

Ella is just beautiful. We took some pictures together the other day in the neighborhood. 

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

I'm lucky to have some really cool girls in the city. Old ones and new ones. One better than the other. A couple of weeks ago, I met up with Dakota, Sophia, Macie to explore the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens at Prospect Park. It was a perfect day to be in the gardens.

 Sunny with a chance of summer showers.
Super lucky to have the day with such wonderful women. 
Then we were back.